Welcome to Med-Eclaims Inc. We provides comprehensive, fully integrated medical billing solutions.

About us

What We Do

Med-Eclaims Inc

is a leader in providing modern healthcare solutions for the healthcare industry. At Med-Eclaims Inc, we endeavor to make start up easy for you and take the burden of reimbursement off from you and your staff. We consider your success as ours and so, we focus on helping you achieve your financial goals. Every claim is important to us like every dollar is important to you. We possess a top team of billing specialists, certified coders, and account managers who possess extensive expertise in billing and coding services across several specialties.

We follow a continuous process of encouragement and motivation to help our workforce to be able to reinvent, respond and revolutionize the approach to our business. At Med-Eclaims Inc, we have a senior management team of highly experienced leaders who are an asset for our clients. We are well versed with the latest technologies, but we believe that human skills are above all else. The solution to more efficient practices, better collection rates and greater profitability lies in how well you empower your staff to use technology to its full potential. We promise to play a major role in training your staff and provide superlative support round the clock. Med-Eclaims Inc is committed to complying with these national standards to protect individuals’ medical records and other personal health information.

Software Experts

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Doctors need credential services for their practices. Physician credentialing is helpful in negotiating the pay for services rendered, facilitating the payment processes and meeting compliance requirements. When going to a health care provider, it is extremely important to know about physician credentialing. A fully certified and licensed medical practitioner is an asset for the patients and can provide superlative medical treatment.

Med-Eclaims Inc is dedicated in providing outstanding credentialing services to all health care providers.
Professionals of medical field can rely on Med-Eclaims Inc to provide you with the peace of mind that all verification and payment verification processes go smoothly.

With Med-Eclaims Inc credentialing services you will be able to:

  • Eliminate redundant paperwork and errors.
  • Fully concentrate on patients than unnecessary credential duties.
  • Gain access to preferred insurance networks quickly and efficiently with our specialized credentialing services.
  • Divert valuable staff to other areas of concern than get involved in credential work

We provide commitment, confidentiality, consistency and accuracy in all aspects of medical credentialing. We give special attention to detail.

Med-Eclaims Inc is a leader in medical credentialing. Med-Eclaims Inc caters to the demands of physicians by understanding the criticality of proper credentialing.

Contact us for excellent medical credentialing services. Click here. !

Demographics entry

Patient demographic means all the basic demographic information about a patient.

Med-Eclaims Inc patient demographics entry sheet (face sheet of a claim or charge) contains:

  • Name of the patient
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Doctor’s information
  • Phone number
  • Gender
  • Social security number (SSN)
  • Information for emergency contact
  • Guarantors
  • Health insurance information
  • Marital status

Demographic Entry Process – Flow Chart

Med-Eclaims Inc ensures correct patient demographics entry, because we know how vital it is for physician’s monthly revenue.

EDI Enrollment

Through EDI enrollment, Med-Eclaims Inc helps improve your efficiency. We help you to streamline information flow, reduce workload from administrative tasks and raise productivity and profit.

Contract Negotiation

Negotiating contracts with insurance companies is a difficult task for the physicians and every time, instead of the physicians, the insurance companies extract maximum benefit from the physicians.

At Med-Eclaims Inc contract negotiation service, we focus on 5 key elements:

  • Compensation: Whether you are fairly compensated? Under the terms of the agreement, whether you will be able to earn incentive compensation?
  • Call and Schedule: What are your call and coverage obligations?
  • Benefits: What benefits you are offered by the employer? We ask for additional benefits.
  • Restrictive Covenants: Will you be able to practice in your area even after your employment ends?
  • Termination and terms: What are the provisions of termination? What is the exact term of your employment agreement?

We use utilization data to negotiate a better rate. We ask payers for utilization report cards. We create and monitor your quality measures. We look into your electronic health record system and your own medical practice billing. We present the utilization data before the payer to help you get better reimbursements.

The benefits of Med-Eclaims Inc Contract Negotiation service:

  • Help you receive top money for your services
  • Reduce hidden obligations and liabilities in your existing contract
  • Speed up your insurance reimbursements beyond belief.
  • Help you have an edge over your competitors
  • Reduction in limitations on your hiring decisions
  • Help you prevent from giving away discounts you don’t intend to give.
  • Help you achieve continuous revenue improvements.

At Med-Eclaims Inc, we try our level best to formulate ways to improve your income. We follow a perfect feedback system about your current contract and how to avoid unnecessary risks.

Medical Billing

Medical billing services have two integral parts: insurance verification and authorization. In this, eligibility of patients to receive benefits is checked. Strict verification is required before offering medical services to the patients; else patients will not receive the payment of claims. Such types of mismanagement can lead to huge loss for the office. The insuring agency should be called for verification of eligibility or else online verification can be done. Medical billing and coding experts work together to handle patient insurance claims.

Outsource this job to us to ensure proper medical billing and unnecessary hiring of staff for this purpose.

Our medical billing verification process involves verification of.:

  • Payable benefits
  • Deductibles
  • Patient details
  • Plan type
  • Mailing address of the claim
  • Coverage details
  • Pre-authorization number
  • Referrals
  • Life time maximum
  • Patient policy status
  • Co-pays and many more
  • Medical billing company

Benefits of Hiring Med-Eclaims Inc:

  • We simplify your work flow
  • We reduce claim rejections
  • We speed up billing cycles
  • We minimize delays considerably
  • We provide quick insurance verification and authorization
  • We enhance revenue cycle
  • We reduce rework of claims
  • We help increase patient satisfaction
  • We reduce overheads
  • We increase efficiency of office and economies of scale
  • We reduce risk factors
  • We improve payment and collections
  • We lower bad debt write-offs
  • We help improve staff productivity
  • We reduce your operational costs
  • We save your time
  • We simplify your billing process
  • We reduce your effort and time
  • We free up your workforce to focus on more productive tasks

Patient Eligibility Verification

To complete the crucial patient eligibility verification processes with accuracy, Med-Eclaims Inc is equipped with advanced technology and skilled workforce. We provide all the assistance required to complete your verification tasks and appointment scheduling.

We cover the following processes:

  • Verify patient’s insurance coverage
  • Receive patient schedules
  • Update the billing system with eligibility details
  • Contact patients, if required

We provide outstanding reimbursement support and billing and work with patients and the medical facility personnel to obtain all the required information. We would complete the entire insurance eligibility verification process for all scheduled appointments right before the patient appointment date. This would assist you in allocating more time to your major healthcare activities

  • Patient satisfaction is increased
  • Class flow is enhanced
  • Revenue cycle is enhanced
  • Claim rejection is reduced
  • Overhead is reduced
  • Efficiency is increased
  • Workflow is simplified
  • Approval and authorization is achieved very fast
  • Billing cycles are made faster

Medical Billing Process

Insurance claims need to be settled for almost every medical case. Doctors, clinics and hospitals have to implement a seamless medical billing process to settle claims with insurance companies. Hence, the process of medical billing and claim filing is quite rigorous. Here is a brief gist of the process and the various steps involved in the course of medical billing.

Generally, medical billing can be done only by skilled professionals. Most large medical establishments and hospitals have a department dedicated to this process. Also, this process is a requisite for any organization and without it obtaining payments from insurance companies will be extremely difficult. The process begins with accurate creation and maintenance of medical records. Tests, examinations and medical diagnosis are carried out to check the health condition of patients whenever they visit a medical establishment. This is the basic medical record which is further used to generate the bill. Also, the insurance information should be provided to the clinic or hospital.

The bill ultimately has to be submitted to the insurance company. For this, it should be coded first. There is a standardized system that is used for this coding. Using this system, a CPT and Diagnosis code is assigned to every process or service. After the completion of the coding process, the bill has to be dispatched to the insurance company. After the insurance claim is received by the company, it is reviewed by them.

The bill can then either be approved or even get rejected. Then the notice regarding the payment, whether it is acceptance or denial is sent to the health care establishment. Even the patient has to be informed about the status of the claim at this time. Sometimes the entire bill is approved and on other occasions only a portion of the payment is granted. Whatever the case is, the patient then receives an ‘explanation of benefits’ (EOB) letter informing them of the result of the claim. If the claim has been denied then an appropriate reason has to be provided by the company.

Thus, the process of medical billing is straightforward and goes through many entities before an insurance claim is approved. Every step of the medical billing process must be carried out with diligence and accuracy. This will assure that the medical billing process remains easy and cuts down hassles in a medical establishment.

Medical Billing Company

Medical billing company can help increase the returns, and reduce the cost of health care professionals to a great extent. The education which health care professionals receive is primarily concentrated on their medical specialty. Most doctors cannot treat patients and manage the billing and accounting of their practice at the same time. Hence the need to outsource this work to Medical billing company.

Medical billing company free you from managing your billing, accounting, and filing claims ex. This gives a boost to your medical practice as it frees you to concentrate on serving your patients and bringing in more business.

The fees of the billing company you choose should be all-inclusive. There should be no hidden fees. The company you choose should be using advanced medical coding and billing software, and update their software regularly, in order for it to comply with the latest Medical billing rules and regulations.

How can you find the best Medical billing companies for your billing/accounting needs? The testimonials that most companies provide you with are probably not the best way to judge the company’s efficiency. What if the company provided you with their best testimonials, and not with the moderate or negative ones it.

When you are searching for your billing company, take the following into consideration: How long have they been in business and what is their track record? How experienced is their staff in medical billing and recovery? How fast do they answer your questions? Medical billing needs to be done in a time-efficient fashion. So it’s important to note responsiveness of the company, in case you asked them any questions. What is their claims’ settlement rate? Industry average claims’ settlement rate for most companies is 20%-30%, anything lower than this number (such as a 15%-20% settlement rate) is good.

There are more than 6,000 to 7,000 Medical billing companies in the USA, and counting. Choosing the best one for you may not be easy due to the large number of companies out there. However, this abundance also provides you with a lot of choice and options to switch to a different company if you are not satisfied with your current billing company.

The staff of your potential billing company includes billing and coding experts, process engineers and technologists (in order to prevent any errors and to overall streamline the whole billing process). Busy doctors need billing companies to help them increase their returns and reduce their expenses while they focus on serving their patients. It’s a perfect solution for an overworked medical professional.

Medical Billing Online

Medical billing is a critical aspect for the medicine business. The smooth functioning of medical billing processes can give a boost to the revenues of the business but at the same time it is not possible for the practitioner to ensure that this process runs efficiently because of their hectic schedules. Therefore, the online medical billing and coding processes are often outsourced to a medical billing provider who ensures improvisation of revenues of the medical practitioner’s business.

The medical billing and coding process involves submission of claims to insurance companies for re-imbursement of services provided by the health care provider. This procedure also requires follow up on claims as it may take days, weeks or even months for the same to process. The practice previously was that the staff of the health care provider has to manually enter the codes from the database to match and then the medical bill was transmitted to the insurance company and then the claim would be processed.

The Online medical billing coding services are quite simple and uncomplicated. Under the HIPAA, the medical billing claims must now be sent electronically. Before providing service, the health care provider can verify the insurance status of the patient with the help of software. The insurance company responds to the healthcare provider as to whether the patient is eligible for a claim with regards to the services to be rendered.

The medical billing providers supply a mechanism which enables the medical practitioner to access medical information of any patient from anywhere using an internet connection. This online service is password protected and therefore maintains confidentiality of a patient’s personal medical records. There is no need for a software or requirement of installation of heavy cost servers to be installed. The medical practitioner or health care provider can perform online medical billing, check the status of the claim or run billing reports. An access fee is charged for this mechanism. The claims to be received or deposited can also be checked with the help of this online account. The same can be outsourced to a medical billing provider to prevent the hassle of training and updating the staff as when there are changes in the norms. These providers have well trained staffs that are updated and efficient in running this system. This all helps in reduction of over head costs for any business. It is always easier and sensible to outsource the medical billing and coding service to professionals as it enables the practitioner to focus on their business.

Medical Billing California

Running a medical practice in California is a tough task. One of the biggest challenges in this profession is medical billing and coding. Skilled and seasoned billers and coders are always in demand. They help out immensely when people need to settle claims. Here are some of the requisites one has to look out for if the process of medical billing California has to be carried out faultlessly.

Firstly, all processes should be defined and laid out clearly. Then, the billers and coders will be able to prepare patient statements appropriately and also post payments. Both primary as well as secondary insurance claims filing has to be managed. In addition, the unpaid claims should be tracked and followed carefully. Also, the billing reports prepared should be customized for better administration and control. HIPAA compliance is a must for appropriate billing and coding.

Before hiring billers, make sure that you consider their specialty. Some professionals have experience in multiple specialties while others are adept at only a single one. The different specialties in which a professional can be an expert are Chiropractic, Family doctors, Oncology, Neurology, Pediatrics, General Surgery, Orthopedic, Mental health, Physical Therapy, Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, Dental and many others. Other areas of expertise in this profession are medical record coding, account receivable representative, medical file clerk, medical claims specialist, revenue cycle optimization, data analyst, audits, insurance verification and among others.

Moreover, there are several benefits of hiring qualified professional to do the Medical billing job. Firstly, they deal with all the paperwork and billing procedures. Thus, the medical staff can concentrate on patient care and other important jobs in the medical establishment. Also, the national clearing house used should be reliable and capable of sending out bills to concerned billing companies easily.

Moreover, all tools and software’s used for Medical billing should be excellent and of top grade quality. Data backup and security should be excellent. All processes should be regulated closely and the billing information should be exact. Use of latest and up to date technology helps out immensely with the process of medical billing.

Also, go for service providers who are dependable and will sort out your revenue requirements properly. There are many who give out tailor made solutions for different vendors. It is better to go for such providers than choose ones who have standardized packages. Making sure that the service provider has all the necessary requirements will help immensely to pick the right Medical billing services in California.

Medical Billing Maryland

Med-Eclaims Inc are committed to providing the highest quality of service to both primary care and specialty practices in Maryland. They provide efficient and effective solutions to all your medical billing and coding requirements. Our specialists offer highly customized services that are fully compliant with current practices and methods. Through accurate and thorough physician documentation, accountability and follow-up of all patient accounts our billing professionals ensure enhanced profitability, enhanced reimbursements and reductions in denial and rejection claims for your practice.

Some of the services which our medical billers specialize in are:

  • Tailor-made reporting
  • Coding with CPT and ICD-9
  • Accounts receivable management
  • Payment posting
  • Patient billing
  • Electronic and paper claims submission

Our billers assure regular cash flow for your practice because of their overall understanding of the dynamic nature of healthcare insurance and years of training in the state. Once DHS helps you establish an efficient billing department, you will be able to focus on patient care instead of investing your valuable time in trying to manage the business side of your medical practice.

You can have easy and ready access to our billers as they service all major Maryland cities such as Baltimore, Columbia, Rockville, Frederick, and Gaithersburg. They have the expertise and knowledge to operate with different specialties across all healthcare practices. Our medical billing meryland billiers and coders will relieve you of tedious and time-consuming medical billing tasks, hence increasing profitability and productivity in your practice. Proficient in designing billing patterns and workflow, our specialists will help your practice streamline processes within weeks.

Medical Billing Agencies

Medical billing agencies can provide a wide range of benefits to healthcare practices. These companies work with all sorts of healthcare providers to managing insurance claims, patient payments and most other aspects of the financial end of business. They often hire accountants and legal consultants to ensure that the companies they work for are given the best possible service. It is understood that the use of these companies is an essential step at improving your business’s success. Without them, you are left to manage the financials on your own or with a small staff.

Why Use Them?

There are many key benefits to hiring medical billing agencies to help you to manage your business’s financial aspects. Hiring these professionals can be a good thing for many reasons. If you have put off hiring a company like this for some time, it may be time to turn to them for additional help and guidance. It may be easier to do so than you realize. The benefits are numerous.

  1. You increase your reputation in the eyes of the patient. By being more efficient and more on time with payment requirements, patients will respect you more so. They are more likely to come back to you repeatedly.
  2. You may see your profits increase, too. By having a better system in place, you will become more profitable. This will increase your productivity while also ensuring that your clients are satisfied. Overall, this will increase your profits and your satisfaction in running a successful establishment.
  3. This type of agency can ensure you meet with all HIPAA requirements and other regulations. This can take a lot of the pressure off you. Be sure to choose an agency that is able to remain in compliance as required under these codes.
  4. By hiring this type of company, you get to focus more time on your patients and growing your business. This reduces the overall impact of not meeting your patient’s needs due to a lack of time. You can spend less time in the office and more time in the patient rooms.

Medical billing agencies can be one of the best investments a healthcare provider can make. By hiring these professionals, a practice can grow and become more successful in the short term. Without them, business as usually will continue to become more difficult to manage. Determine what your goals are for your business and if these companies can enhance your success.

Data Migration

Med-Eclaims Inc offers data migration services from one software to another, in case of installation of new software or updating of existing software. We perform this by a set of customized scripts or programs that can automatically transfer the data.

We follow the following steps to ensure perfect data migration:

  • We do proper planning.
  • We allocate the best people from our organization.
  • We employ an independent consultant.
  • We have qualified migration staff.

Obtaining Pre-Authorization from insurance

Many healthcare insurers have pre-authorization policies. To address this, Med-Eclaims Inc. follows a pre-authorization procedure.

Our procedure is as follows:

  • We first of all contact the insurance company for authorization number. We make sure that the information received from them matches our records
  • If the physician’s office has not obtained authorization we politely inform them that they must get it before their patient can have their procedure
  • We always follow-up with the insurance company. If possible, we request a fax of the approved authorization for the records
  • If a procedure changes or something is added at the last minute, we contact the insurance company as soon as possible to add the changes to the authorization

At Med-Eclaims Inc we understand that each insurance company has their own guidelines and what is not required for one may be required for another.

We also cover

CPT and ICD 9 Coding.
Charge entry and payment posting
End to End Accounts Receivable solutions
Patient Statement Generation
A/R “Clean-up” Program
Monthly Reporting/Financial Review
Any other value added service tailored as per your needs


Chigolum Eze MD

I am writing to commend your billing service. Your company Med-Eclaims Inc has been providing billing service for my neurology practice since January, 2021. I am impressed with the scope of services you provide. The promptness with which my bills are submitted to insurance is appreciated. The payment tallying both with insurance and patient payments which is done daily and again monthly by your staff is commendable. The Account receivable tally I receive monthly is very detailed and enables me to understand and track potential issues in the billing cycle. Your team responds to my questions and queries in a timely manner. Working with your team has enabled me to exceed my projected financial outlook when I set up my practice in such a short time. Thanks for the meticulous and detailed service your team provides to my practice on a daily basis.

Chigolum Eze MD Board certified Neurologist, clinical neurophysiologist and epilepsy specialist, Neurology Partners PC, El Paso Texas

Dr. Jay S. Amin

Med-Eclaims Inc is indeed IDEAL billing solution for any medical practice..We have offices at multiple locations and all our staff is happy with Med-Eclaims Inc’s communication and office problem solving. We do not have to deal with any headaches of billing. They do it ALL…. Would recommend them to anyone without a fraction of hesitation.

Dr. Jay S. Amin Internal Medicine, Tustin, CA

Jay J Gopal, MD

Med-Eclaims Inc: In the last 25 years of my practice for the first time I felt I struck gold, I found Med-Eclaims Inc. Med-Eclaims Inc is prompt, reliable, efficient; have treated my business as their own. They are the best and I will boldly recommend them to all my doctor friends who are in practice.

Jay J Gopal, MD., FAAP Chairman, Department of Pediatrics, Director, PrimeCare Pediatrics Baltimore, MD 21218MedStar Union Memorial Hospital


At Med-Eclaims Inc we focus on making start up easy for you and taking the burden of reimbursement off from you and your staff. We understand that our success is based on your success. Therefore we strive to help you achieve your financial goals and because every dollar is important to you, every claim is important to us.
Glad you asked! The average number of rejected claims for a medical practice is 30 percent, and only 50 percent of these claims are ever resubmitted. We pursue all disputed and unpaid medical insurance claims with aggressive follow-up until there is a resolution. Through our interactive tools, both you and we will know instantly what the status of a claim is and we can jump on it the very same day. Many claims are rejected because of improper coding or lack of supporting material; these problems are virtually eliminated by working with Med-Eclaims Inc.
We handle all specialties in all locations, across the country.
Our goal is to get the entire process in place for you within one week.
Our daily electronic claims submission leads to immediate carrier response. We offer among the fastest payouts in the industry – most within 10 to 14 days.
Absolutely! Med-Eclaims Inc meets all HIPAA requirements and supports OIG resolutions.
Here’s the beauty of working with Med-Eclaims Inc. Our success is tied to your success. We only charge you a percentage of the collections that result directly from our service. We’ll clearly establish a customized rate for your practice right from the very start. New Medical Practice
Every client, regardless of size, works with a dedicated account manager and a dedicated medical billing team. The client and our staff work on the same practice management and billing system which ensures that every client receives the same quality of service. We welcome working with new medical practices because it gives us an opportunity to help you grow your practice, and we hope the relationship we build will translate into many years of business relationship.
We can setup your account within 2-3 days. Once it is setup you can start entering visits right away, and we can start submitting them for reimbursement within 1 week (if your payer credentials are available).
That’s a common misconception. Actually, it can end up costing you far more money. Consider all your expenses with an in-house staff: salaries, benefits, taxes, hardware and software technology, continual training to keep up with the latest Medicare and insurance changes, retraining when the person you’ve come to rely on moves on from your practice. In the long run – and even the short run – you can often save more by outsourcing.
Not necessarily. You can switch their focus to supporting you with patient care – or with data entry — while we handle all your billing and collections. Of course, if saving costs is important to you you may take a call.
In many cases, we can. We always work with your practice to come up with the best way of transferring data quickly and accurately.
That’s a common concern, of course. The fact is, You can get the answer you’re looking for in literally seconds. You can view insurance payer, verify your new patient’s insurance, set up new visits with comprehensive supplemental information, see which claims have been denied and why, and so much more. No need for one of your staff members to sort through files and make phone calls on your behalf – everything’s right at your fingertips. We would also have a dedicated account manager who would be happy to answer any other questions you may have all through the Day. Established Medical Practice with Outsourced Billing

That’s up to you to decide, of course, but we believe the answer is an emphatic yes! Ask yourself these questions: do you know when your claims are sent and even if they’ve been sent? Can you check on the status of your claims online day or night, or do you need to wait for a cumbersome monthly report? Do they handle patient invoicing and collections? Are they communicating effectively with you? How fast are their collection times?

Med-Eclaims Inc is an expert in getting your claims paid fast and to aggressively fight denials, with our highly-trained medical billing specialists and our state-of-the-art intuitive software. At a time when insurance carriers are using data mining to create virtually millions of edits to reduce payments and deny claims, you can’t afford anything less than the best in making sure you leave no money on the table. A very brief transition period can end up saving you tens of thousands of dollars down the line.
A lot depends on what system your current biller is using, and if that system allows export of data. In many cases you should be able to get at least an Excel file. Once you have the patient data we will work with your practice to come up with the best way of transferring data to our system quickly and accurately.

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